Hey everyone. I have bad news. My computer is slowly dying. I want to fix it, but I lack the funds. I've been trying to design a new page and get things working, but right now the computer overheats and reboots so much that it's impossible. School starts in the fall, and I'm getting some financial aid. That'll help, but tuition is also taking a jump too. So, it's going to be hard for me to do much. I guess I'm saying I could use a little help. If you feel charitable and would be willing to spare a few bucks...even so little as like 5 dollars, you'd be awesome in my book. Just think, you're contributing to keeping this site running and in it's best shape.

On an added note, I will be posting an update soon. Keep a watch for it. :) In the meantime, enjoy the picture of the cheat and myself. Thanks everyone.
